Arts & Culture

The Perfect Pancake Recipe

We are sharing the perfect pancake recipe – check out the video and follow along!

It’s been passed down through the generations from a French grandmother all the way to the screens of London Live.

Our presenter Tanya was joined by a chef from Le Montmartre who showed her how to make a delicious stack of pancakes!

What you’ll need is:

Ingredients list

– Half a litre of milk
– 250g  flour
– A pinch of salt
– 4 eggs
– 2 tbsp olive oil
– 1 or 2 tbsp water
– Lemon zest (optional)



Put the flour into a mixing bowl and make a hole in the middle.
Break the eggs in the hole and add the olive oil, salt and a splash of the milk.
Mix all these ingredients together with a wooden spoon whilst adding the rest of the milk gradually (you can also add lemon zest to the mix)
Once you’ve reached a smooth consistency, add the water.
Cover the mixing bowl with a kitchen towel and leave the batter to rest for at least 30min, one hour is preferable.
Melt some butter in a large pan and pour one ladle of the mixture in evenly.
Cook until the pancake begins to brown slightly.

Choose your favourite toppings and enjoy!

Let us know how you get on and tag your creations on social media – you can find us at @londonlive


Tanya Francis 28th February 2022

TagArts & Culture, LocationKensington and Chelsea