Arts & Culture

Vardy v Rooney: The Wagatha Christie Trial

It doesn’t feel that long ago that two of the countries best known footballer’s wives went head to head in court, now the story is being played out on the London stage.

The verbatim production reveals what went on behind closed doors in the case. The audiences will see first-hand and in the words of Rebekah Vardy and Coleen Rooney, how that memorable week in court went down.

Alicia has been chatting to Liv Hennessy, who has adapted the play.

Vardy v Rooney: The Wagatha Christie Trial is playing select dates in the capital at the Wyndams theatre and it will then be transferring to the Ambassadors Theatre from the 6 April – 20 May next year for a longer run.

Tanya Francis 6th December 2022

TagArts & Culture, LocationWestminster