
7/7 attacks: London bombing victims remembered 17 years later

This month is the anniversary of the 7/7 bombings. 17 years ago today 4 bombs were detonated, one on a bus on Tavistock Square, a train at Russell Square, a train at Aldgate and a train at Edgware Road which caused the death of 52 people.

We’ve been hearing from those impacted by the attack, one of those is Daniel Biddle who is the most seriously injured survivor of the 7/7 bombings in London.

He was on the Edgware Road train and looked the terrorist in the eye just as the bomb was exploded. He lost both of his legs, his sight and his spleen.

A warning for anyone watching this video that some people may find parts of it distressing.

Tanya Francis 12th July 2022
