
Boris Johnson resigns

Boris Johnson has quit as Conservative leader after admitting he failed to persuade Cabinet colleagues that he could carry on in the job.

The Prime Minister said he was sad to be giving up “the best job in the world” and added it was “eccentric” to change governments at this stage – saying his arguments to stay in power were rejected due to a “herd instinct” at Westminster.

A new Tory leader will now be elected who will replace Mr Johnson in No 10. Mr Johnson intends to remain in Downing Street until his successor is elected, and has appointed new Cabinet ministers to replace MPs who quit en masse in protest at his leadership.

Mr Johnson delivered his speech outside Downing Street at lunchtime today, watched by staff, MPs and his wife Carrie Johnson who was carrying their child Romy.

David Bond, the Evening Standard’s Deputy Political Editor, was outside Downing Street shortly after the resignation speech.

London Live Programming 7th July 2022

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