
Evening Standard launches Winter Survival Appeal with £500,000 Comic Relief donation

Christmas is coming but with the cost of living crisis for many this won’t be a time for celebration.

With doubling food bank queues and a rising number of people categorised as destitute the impact can be so severe that for some it becomes a matter of life and death. 45 people die every day in the UK winter months because they don’t have enough money to heat their home. It’s why today’s campaign launch by our sister company the Evening Standard couldn’t be more timely.

The Winter Survival Appeal Christmas campaign has seen the Evening Standard join forces with Comic Relief who have pledged £500,000 to get the campaign underway. The money will be given to charities in London and across the UK that help people struggling with food insecurity as well as children’s health and well-being.

To find out more and learn about the work these London charities do, London Live’s Sara Firth spoke to the Evening Standard’s Campaigns Editor David Cohen who has along with his team of journalists been reporting from the frontlines of the cost of living crisis.

To get involved and help you can go to Comic Relief or the Evening Standard page has all the details.

Tanya Francis 23rd November 2023

TagNews, LocationCity of London