
GP calls for more NHS funding in the Chancellor’s Budget this week

As we know we have an NHS in crisis.

We’ve seen nurses and paramedics strike over pay in recent weeks, junior doctors walked out for 3 days on Monday,  ambulance waiting times are at a record high, there are ever increasing backlogs for screenings and operations, and GP wait times for appointments are all longer now now than ever.

Around £152bn gets invested into the NHS a year.

In the last budget in November, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt offered up an additional £3.3bn cash investment into the health service but with inflation at its highest in 40 years – is that enough?

One GP has been speaking to James about what more he’d like to see at tomorrows dispatch box – and where he’d like it to go.

Dr Murray Ellender is the CEO and Co-founder of eConsult.

James Dickman 14th March 2023

TagNews, LocationTower Hamlets, LocationWestminster