
“Modern Witch Trials” a campaign to combat mob harassment on social media

Today is ‘Safer Internet Day’ and the Cybersmile Foundation have launched a campaign to address the harmful effects of mob harassment and cancel culture.

The campaign’s called ‘Modern Witch Trials’ – and Cybersmile’s co-founder Dan Raisbeck has been telling Paul more about the thinking behind it, as well as discussing wider cybersafety issues.

It is multi-faceted initiative featuring a compelling film and support from a diverse range of international creators and public figures. The campaign aims to empower UK residents to break away from mob mentalities and actively choose a more positive and thoughtful approach to online interactions. Against the backdrop of the shocking findings from The Cybersmile Foundation’s Digital Wellbeing 2022 study, where 33% of respondents fear expressing their opinions online, the urgency of this campaign becomes palpable.

They have said –  the toll on mental health is staggering, with 89% reporting negative effects and 77% acknowledging the adverse impact on their physical well-being. These unsettling statistics underscore the critical significance of the “Modern Witch Trials” campaign – a bold, unyielding initiative determined to dismantle the toxic culture perpetuated by social media.


Tanya Francis 6th February 2024

TagNews, LocationCity of London