
Tips to not get had by your travel insurance for Londoners looking to make 2024 getaways

As the festive period passes and a new year begins, thoughts will start turning to the next thing to look forward to…this year’s holiday.

Prices, habits and ideas around travel are all changing.

However when it comes to insurance – according to stats from Holiday Extras 55% of us just skim the terms, only on the website or don’t read documentation about travel insurance and are being had by the small print.

Holiday Extras has built an AI Insurance Explainer to make it easy for holidaymakers to understand the ins-and-outs of their policies and aren’t caught off guard with any nasty surprises.  

Travel expert & Managing Director Airparks and Insurance Holiday Extras Group Howard Dove knows everything when it comes to holidays and he joined James to talk about the issue and had some predictions for the way we might holiday in 2024.


James Dickman 3rd January 2024
